Monday, September 26, 2022

Dancers of the Light: A Promise from God

And there will come a day when I am no longer in your arms,

when My presence seems absent and My body is no longer visible,

but rest assured,

you are Mine.

You are Mine, and I promise you eternity,

didn't I say I would build a place for you?

I am with you, even til the very end,

and I have prepared a place for you,

that where I am,

you may be also.

The day will come, 

when all night shall cease,

and My light will shine on you,

and you will be fully known,

and there will be no more night,

for you will no longer need the darkness,

You will bask in the light that I provide. 

We will be dancers of the light. 

You see, We belong.

So believe, and you will live a life of abundance in Me.

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